欢迎来到 海洛斯机房精密空调行业的领头羊专注于机房恒温恒湿环境一条龙服务
浏览: 520
Advantages: (优点)
Advanced MPC (先进微处理控制器)
Maintenance (可维护性)
Air cooling system (气冷却系统)
EC fan (EC风机)
Flexible installation (安装方式灵活多样)
Copeland compressor (谷轮压缩机)
Largeevaporator coil (大的蒸发器盘管)
Low noise (低噪声)
Password protection (密码保护)
Hot air bypass (热气旁通)
The floorbracket (地板支架)
A variety of cap (多种风帽)
RS232/RS485 port (通讯连接)
Green refrigerant (绿色制冷剂)
Emergency poweroff (紧急电源切断)
Fire alarm (火灾报警)
Remote temperature and humidity sensor (远程温、湿度传感器)
Advantages: (优点)
Advanced MPC (先进微处理控制器)
Maintenance (可维护性)
Air cooling system (气冷却系统)
EC fan (EC风机)
Flexible installation (安装方式灵活多样)
Copeland compressor (谷轮压缩机)
Largeevaporator coil (大的蒸发器盘管)
Low noise (低噪声)
Password protection (密码保护)
Hot air bypass (热气旁通)
The floorbracket (地板支架)
A variety of cap (多种风帽)
RS232/RS485 port (通讯连接)
Green refrigerant (绿色制冷剂)
Emergency poweroff (紧急电源切断)
Fire alarm (火灾报警)
Remote temperature and humidity sensor (远程温、湿度传感器)