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The Belimo Energy Valve™ is a pressure independent valve that optimizes, documents, and proves water coil performance. The two-way pressure independent valve uses the Electronic Pressure Independent Valve (EPIV) platform to measure the coil energy using an embedded electromagnetic flow sensor, water supply, and return temperature sensors. Used primarily in commercial applications, the Energy Valve uses the Delta T Manager™ algorithm to monitor coil performance and optimize the available energy of the coil. The Energy Valve has standard analog signal and feedback wiring and communicates data to the DDC system via BACnet MS/TP, BACnet IP, and TCP/IP. The actuator stores all the coil performance data, such as Delta T and energy usage, for 13 months, and all the coil performance data, stored trends, and control functions can be sent to the building automation system (BAS) via the data network. The Energy Valve provides plant power savings without significant building mechanical or control system design changes, said Lisa Hickey, manager, marketing communications.